BOPIS and Delivery Robots on the Decline, Report Says
Instore Magazine's report discusses the impact of the pandemic on ecommerce. Services such as buy online, pick up in-store and other tech-driven services are becoming less attractive to consumers.
Friday, Mar 17, 2023
For a long time, it seemed that the ways we learned to shop during the pandemic were here to stay. Ecommerce had been growing since before the pandemic, raising fears that it would be impossible for brick-and-mortar retailers to compete in the future. And a number of other services such as buy online, pick up in-store (BOPIS) seemed to herald a new era of speed and convenience. But ModernRetail reports that this may not be the case.
Instagram is ending its live shopping feature, Walmart is closing its pickup-only locations, and Amazon is backing away from its home-delivery robot. BOPIS and curbside pickup have been losing popularity as well as customers return to shopping the old-fashioned way. Though its growth has slowed, ecommerce is indeed here to stay, but many other technology-driven services borne out of the necessity of social distancing are becoming less attractive to consumers, who would rather either buy online or enjoy the in-store experience. You can find a link to the full report at INSTORE Magazine.